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How I created this portfolio.

Nov 06, 2023 |2min read

The importance to create a portfolio

Creating a portfolio, in addition to showing your projects, experiences and knowledge, also shows a little of your personality, both in sections like about me, as well as subliminally in the design made by you (I hope you don't use templates hahaha).

Jokes aside, we know the importance of demonstrating our expertise in the area to other people.

This post serves to encourage you to create your portfolio, as well as showing you how I did it.


How I created my portfolio

There's not much of a secret, first I started to make a sketch of how I would like the information in the portfolio to be arranged, in a very simple way in Excalidraw. After having an idea of ​​how this information would be laid out, I started designing in Figma - this part took a while, I'm practicing my creative sense of creating pages. In fact, stay tuned and I'll soon make a post about what I think about a front-end developer knowing design.

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With design in hand, the coding part becomes much easier, just transforming the design into code, obviously making small adjustments. Here you decide which technologies you want to use, I even recommend using technologies in your personal projects that you have never used before and are willing to learn and that make sense with your portfolio proposal.

On the frontend, I decided to use the new version of React.JS and Next.JS (13.5.4) - which is currently not the newest - precisely to learn about RSC (React Server Components) and other features available in the frameworks that most I use. For styling I used TailwindCSS and, for the particularity of my portfolio, which is a blog, I was undecided on using a back-end to consume a CMS (Content Management System), where I would use Nest.JS, a framework I have never used, or simply advance my work and do something faster, which would be to use the CMS directly on the front, where this ended up being my choice.

The CMS I ended up using was Hygraph, in addition to being very simple and easy to configure, it is super optimized for using queries with GraphQL, which I had never used and ended up liking.

Basically, these were the technologies that I ended up using and coding the entire portfolio, making it performant, responsive and accessible.


In the end, that's it, there's not much of a secret, with a little organization you can develop a super cool portfolio. Furthermore, try to explore your skills in creating your portfolio, make it unique and with your face, and I guarantee that everyone will be impressed.